Hindi Poem Recitation Competition was organized for students of Kindergarten Section


Poetry is the core of literature”. To spread the fragrance of poetry among the children, a Hindi Poem Recitation Competition was held for Nursery to U.K.G. students in Vasant Valley Public School, Sangrur on 5 August, 2023. The students chose a variety of topics for their recitation like nature, trees, flowers, mother, teacher, school environment etc., with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm. 


They enjoyed reciting the rhymes with beautiful expressions, thoughts and rhythm. The magic of their words and innocent gestures left everybody spellbound. The prime aim behind this competition was to boost the confidence of the tiny tots and improve their public speaking skills.


The Principal of the School, Mrs. Anitha R. applauded the efforts of all the little ones and she also added that in the actual teaching process, reciting has often been overlooked easily but it is the basic means of developing language ability. So we always seek spontaneous involvement of our little ones to tread on the path of development.


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