Remarkable Achievement in Fencing Competition: Stellar Fencing Performance and win

A moment to rejoice as a fencing champion Master Harbasant Singh from Vasant Valley Public School, Sangrur of Grade II clinched 3rd position in the Sangrur District Fencing Championship 2023 in Under 10 held at Sangrur. The junior champ is also awarded with a Certificate of Appreciation by Sanatan Utkarsh Foundation for his exemplary performance. Fencing is excellent for honing concentration, precision, confidence, tactics, flexibility, dedication and the ability to win and lose gracefully. Competing with the top-notch players, our brilliant champ gave a stellar performance and brought laurels to the school. He showcased an energetic and enthusiastic performance which was applauded by the audience. The journey to the podium was nothing short of a saga, marked by rigorous training, relentless dedication and an indomitable spirit. Fencing is an elegant modern sport that has been enjoyed by people around the world. Vasant Valley Public School, Sangrur ensures the holistic deve...